Hello everyone. I am blogging about Juneau, AK tonight. Juneau is Alaska's Capitol since statehood in 1959. The Tlingit (pronounced Kling et) people inhabited the Juneau and Gastineau Channel area. Lots of rich Tlingit culture. Juneau is a tri climate zone. I forgot the real word (from the guide). Picture this. You are walking along the river on the river walk. On your right is the Gastineau Channel and mountains - somewhat covered in snow. The Mendenhall Glacier is very visible. It is phenomenal. The glacier is so blue. You remember why a glacier is blue from previous blogs. The Russians have a strong influence in this part of Alaska. America purchased Alaska from Russians for .02 cents per 1000 square miles. Such a ridiculously low price for the vast resources the state has to offer. Juneau has only 20 miles of paved roads and almost 300 miles of hiking trails! Did you know that Alaska has one mile of road for every 42 square miles of land compared to the US average of one to one? I learned a lot from the walking tour, two museums and talking to locals. So sit back because this is a truly a "Warmboldian" trip to Juneau. I giggle now but I had my doubts as things happened. I have included a lot of pictures with each blog because those of you that know me well know I LOVE pictures. I hope you do to.
By the way, it was a football weekend game day. Have you ever thought about where Juneau is located? It is far far away from most towns. The football team from Nome was on our return flight. I never thought about how expensive it must be to have competitive teams in Alaska. Some teacher's have their children in competitive soccer and they travel to Washington State, Wyoming, Idaho, etc. for soccer tournaments. Talk about expensive - flights, hotels, food, etc.
Okay, here goes. Emily (teacher friend) and I arrive at the airport early (5:30 am). She states that she isn't feeling so and blamed it on something she ate. We board the 737 Alaska Air line. We take off and the view is incredible. The flight is 1 hour and 15 mins. For all of you who select an aisle seat you miss so much. I always select the window. I am in charge of what I get to look at. So I look out and all I see is a massive spread of marshmallow fluff with the sun shining on it so beautifully. Then the mountain tops are peaking through the top of the clouds. It is spectacular and all you aisle sitters miss this. So when you fly to Alaska for a visit, select the window so you can see all of Alaska's glory. I nudge Emily so she can see it too and she said she really wasn't feeling well. Uh Oh!!! The plane enters Juneau through the basin. That means just above the river leading into Juneau. I swear I could reach out and touch the thick forest just past the wings. Both sides full of thick lush greenery. I didn't realize Juneau had 3 climate zones - Rain forest, Glaciers and River basin. The Juneau airport is two small landing strips and a beautiful lake next to the airport. I have never seen so many float planes lining a lake. Again, that is the major travel system in Alaska - float boats. Juneau could be any small fishing village along the east coast. The same house styles, major fishing industry and local gear is rain gear!! According to the guide and locals, it rains more than 3/4 of the year in Juneau. Yikes!! My hair would be really curly and frizzy. So this weekend there was no rain and perfect weather. I boasted that I brought this wonderful weather. So we arrive at the Hotel (Native owned like almost every store and restaurant in Juneau) and Emily is looking horrible. Yep! She has the flu. She tells me to go and explore. I am no dummy so I leave her. I did provide a garbage can next to the bed - just in case. I justified my leaving so I wouldn't catch anything.
So the pictures are of some of the sites of Juneau. First is the State Capital building. The only US capital that has a view of a world famous Glacier on one side of the building and a rain forest on the other side of the building. Then there is the Governor's Mansion. It looks modest but it is nice. It sits on the mountain of the rain forest about 2 blocks from the Capital. The walking tour was great because I got a lot of local flavor with the tour. There were only 3 of us. We hiked up and down the hills all morning. My legs hurt by lunch. The "pigeon preventor" is next. This is what the locals call it. The tops of all the telephone poles, light poles, etc. have wire hair to prevent the pigeons from sitting there and pooping. You know the phrase - Some days you are the pigeon and some days you are the sidewalk! Then we hiked over the western side of town and I counted 40 some steps and we still were not half way up to this person's house. I have been told that there are 97 steps to get to the door of the house. I would hate to bring up the groceries or replace any appliance!!! I think I would hibernate all winter long. How do you shovel 97 steps just to get to the car? Not me. Next is the riverside of Juneau and this is a gorgeous day. No rain, no fog, and lots of color. You can't really see the marina but there are lots of boats lining this Channel. Next are some beautiful trees leading up to the rain forest. You can feel the different temperature on our walk. The rain forest was temperate and somewhat steamy (50 degrees) and the other side of the river where the glacier sits was about 40 degrees.
The sides of the streets were lined with local artwork. I felt like I was in Seattle with the "earthy" lifestyles. This is only one of the many murals that can be sighted all over town. The Totem Poles also can be found all over town. In the visitor season (summer) there is a walking tour for families so the children can locate all the totem poles around town. The guide said there are about 72 of them. I found at least 25 of them. They are so neat. The time put into these poles and the stories each one tells is remarkable. Then there is picture of one of the local flowers. I don't know what it was and neither did the guide. I thought it was very interesting. I was thinking weed vs flower but what do I know!! Next are two pictures of the lush rain forest. The local houses look like they could be located anywhere along the East Coast of the USA. I was trying to be artist with the single white bark birch in the foreground of the rain forest. I tried. Then the same picture as fifth picture (Juneau's river side) but on Sunday with the fog rolling in. This is much more like Juneau weather. The locals told me the only thing missing on Sunday was the rain. They were glad there was no rain because the fog was thick enough. Then the "Fine Dining" in Juneau. This again is a very typical site in Alaska. This is the livelihood for some Native. The locals tell me the best fish kabobs are served from this local establishment. I am sure it is more appealing in the summer when tourist are here. Those are some of the photos from Juneau. I had to take pictures of the furniture. Those chairs are very solid and difficult to move.
So I return to the hotel and no Emily. Apparently she asked to have her own room so I would not be infected. In reality, she told me she didn't want me to have to listen to her sickness all night long. Isn't she sweet? She is thinking of me when she is the sick one!!. Our night plans have been cancelled. I went to eat - some great seafood. I am in heaven with this fresh Halibut, Salmon and crab. When I return I check in on Emily and she can't answer the door at that moment. I go across the hall to my room and get my PJ's on since I am in for the night. I brought with me my book for my graduate class. I am required to take this class for State teaching license. I call it "Another Way To Make Money" scheme. So I get my book, notebook, pens, turn the TV on to the music channel (softly for background noise as I can't hear Emily) and my cell phone. I don't know about you but any time I have to read a class book I get really tired. I turned down the covers just in case. So I start reading. SIDE BAR - much needed for this event. Have I ever told you about Tyler's girlfriend some years ago who was living in Los Angeles and Tyler was living in South Carolina? Laura's house was being broke into and she huddled in the closet and called Tyler in S. Carolina. Tyler asked why she called him instead of the police. Laura admits she didn't know the phone number for the police in LA! TRUE STORY!! You will see the connection quickly. So I am busy studying, curtains closed and ZAP!!! It is pitch dark in my room. All the lights and TV are black. So is the room. I ALWAYS make a mental note of stairways when I stay at a hotel. BUT NOT THIS TIME! I was concerned about getting Emily to a bed and didn't pay attention to the safety information. I won't make that mistake again. So, I DIAL David. David who is in Memphis, TN. See the connection!!! I told him I am sitting in complete darkness and he asks "Why are you calling me instead of going downstairs to see what's up?" He does love me but he and I do not process at all alike! He is methodical and planned, I am spontaneous and I like to fly by the seat of my pants.
He is such a smarty pants. So I remember I always pack a small flashlight in my travel kit. I get it and put on my jeans and sweatshirt to find my way downstairs. I knock on Emily's door to tell her I am going down stairs to find out what's up. Did I mention they up-graded us to the SIXTH FLOOR!!!!!! UGH!!! Emily gave her usual response- the toilet flushing. So I feel my way to the end of the hall and find the stairs. Did I mention to all of you how afraid of the dark I am? I am very afraid of the dark. So my knees are knocking and I am shaking like a leave as I descend the stairs. I have to keep telling myself no one - not even a mugger- would be in the dark stairwell under these circumstances. I was right. There was no mugger. I get to the front desk and it is dark everywhere. The desk people ask if I am alright and I said yes but poor Emily. I ask if they have a candle that we could use and they looked at me strangely. "It is against fire code to have candles in a hotel". Well I think it is against code to have a black out! No one knows anything so I said I would go back up stairs - 6 FLIGHTS if I could find my way. The manager had a bigger flashlight and volunteered to walk upstairs with me. I hate when I get one upped in a black out situations. So what if his flashlight is bigger! So we start going up the flights of stairs. Now I think - I don't know this person and now there is a potential MUGGER in the stairway with me. Gee Thanks David for sending me downstairs!!!!!! Oh what a trip. We knock on Emily's room and reassure her things were going to be okay. I heard the typical response again - flush! So I make my way back into my very dark room. I decided I will sleep now and when the lights come on I will wake up and read/study for Monday's class. So I climb into the bed with my clothes on. I try to get comfortable without wrinkling my clothes. I don't want to be rescued in PJ's so I kept my clothes on. I didn't want to wrinkle my clothes because these are what I am going to wear home tomorrow on the plane. Like anyone on the plane would know me! Please Sheryl - get real. So I lie really really still to prevent wrinkles. Sleep is elluding me. No sleep.
Any other time I read this boring book for class I fall asleep instantly. Then I notice a flash of light in my room. I hold tight to my mini flashlight and go to the window. The person who shares the back yard with the hotel has a flashlight and they are flashing it in my window. So I flash back. That is I shine the flashlight back at them, not a naked me! Get your mind out of the gutter! So I spend 15 minutes playing flashlight tag (indoor style) with some stranger. New game - try it sometime. I think that person was sending S.O.S or love letters, I was sending stick figure drawings of a deer, children, boats, etc. Then it hits me!!! THEY KNOW WHAT ROOM I AM IN. I get scared and run across the hall with Emily. She doesn't care why I am there just turn on the TV so I don't hear her. Let me tell you, no TV can drown out that sound! FLUSH! I try to read her the newspaper with my mini flashlight but she really isn't interested. I try to watch TV and eventually return to my room when I can't stand invading on Emily's private moments with the porcelain throne. I finally fall asleep only to be woken up with the TV blasting, every light on and I am startled. Not exactly as I planned my trip but oh well.
He is such a smarty pants. So I remember I always pack a small flashlight in my travel kit. I get it and put on my jeans and sweatshirt to find my way downstairs. I knock on Emily's door to tell her I am going down stairs to find out what's up. Did I mention they up-graded us to the SIXTH FLOOR!!!!!! UGH!!! Emily gave her usual response- the toilet flushing. So I feel my way to the end of the hall and find the stairs. Did I mention to all of you how afraid of the dark I am? I am very afraid of the dark. So my knees are knocking and I am shaking like a leave as I descend the stairs. I have to keep telling myself no one - not even a mugger- would be in the dark stairwell under these circumstances. I was right. There was no mugger. I get to the front desk and it is dark everywhere. The desk people ask if I am alright and I said yes but poor Emily. I ask if they have a candle that we could use and they looked at me strangely. "It is against fire code to have candles in a hotel". Well I think it is against code to have a black out! No one knows anything so I said I would go back up stairs - 6 FLIGHTS if I could find my way. The manager had a bigger flashlight and volunteered to walk upstairs with me. I hate when I get one upped in a black out situations. So what if his flashlight is bigger! So we start going up the flights of stairs. Now I think - I don't know this person and now there is a potential MUGGER in the stairway with me. Gee Thanks David for sending me downstairs!!!!!! Oh what a trip. We knock on Emily's room and reassure her things were going to be okay. I heard the typical response again - flush! So I make my way back into my very dark room. I decided I will sleep now and when the lights come on I will wake up and read/study for Monday's class. So I climb into the bed with my clothes on. I try to get comfortable without wrinkling my clothes. I don't want to be rescued in PJ's so I kept my clothes on. I didn't want to wrinkle my clothes because these are what I am going to wear home tomorrow on the plane. Like anyone on the plane would know me! Please Sheryl - get real. So I lie really really still to prevent wrinkles. Sleep is elluding me. No sleep.
Any other time I read this boring book for class I fall asleep instantly. Then I notice a flash of light in my room. I hold tight to my mini flashlight and go to the window. The person who shares the back yard with the hotel has a flashlight and they are flashing it in my window. So I flash back. That is I shine the flashlight back at them, not a naked me! Get your mind out of the gutter! So I spend 15 minutes playing flashlight tag (indoor style) with some stranger. New game - try it sometime. I think that person was sending S.O.S or love letters, I was sending stick figure drawings of a deer, children, boats, etc. Then it hits me!!! THEY KNOW WHAT ROOM I AM IN. I get scared and run across the hall with Emily. She doesn't care why I am there just turn on the TV so I don't hear her. Let me tell you, no TV can drown out that sound! FLUSH! I try to read her the newspaper with my mini flashlight but she really isn't interested. I try to watch TV and eventually return to my room when I can't stand invading on Emily's private moments with the porcelain throne. I finally fall asleep only to be woken up with the TV blasting, every light on and I am startled. Not exactly as I planned my trip but oh well.
I believe learning is the act of making meaning from experiences. So what did I learn. ALWAYS know where the stairs are in the hallway. I WILL NEVER, repeat NEVER stay above the 3rd floor again. I will always pack candles in my travel bag. And I won't call David in Memphis when I am in a black out. His advice to go downstairs was really not needed. So there you have it. Another "Warmboldian" adventure. Pretty funny now but not exactly when it was happening.
The crowning moment of the trip was on our flight home. Emily went to far as to change her seat on the return flight. She decided she didn't want me getting sick but didn't really care if someone she didn't know got sick. Isn't she sweet. Always thinking of me when she is sick!!! So we are about 15 minutes from landing in Anchorage and the captain said, please look out your window (which I am sitting near) and there was a pod of whales eating the bay. It was spectacular from the plane. It is a shame those aisle sitters couldn't see what I saw. I wouldn't move my head because I was so mesmerized by these majestic giants.
I hope my Blog finds all of you in good health, warm thoughts and a smiling grin on your face. I love sharing my Great Adventures with you. Thanks for all the wonderful comments. I will blog again next weekend.
Hugs to you,
Sheryl (Nanook of the North)
OMG, I love the black out story and it truly is so "Warmboldian". You are painting such wonderful pictures with your words but I love the photos also. Continue to explore and share and be safe up there in 'The Last Frontier'.
ReplyDeleteSleeping without wrinkling your clothes...you crack me up!
ReplyDeleteYou are so funny! We are so alike I also love to take pictures and I am also afraid of the dark!! Did you get the same sickness as your friend?
ReplyDeleteNice post - pictures of totem poles ..Keep Posting
pictures of totem poles